Impact devnet is currently live at https://thisImpact.me with multiple SVM chains, this include AMM DEX With concentrated liquidity pool feture on devnet chains of eclipse, solana, axion and more in future.
Along with DEX their is a bridge functionality also available from solana to eclipse.
User wanting to test bridge functionality can do for SOLANA to ECLIPSE by
Going to solana dev faucet https://faucet.solana.com/ and getting SOL, then can swap usdt or usdc.
or they can go to https://t.me/ImFaucet_bot to drip some test USDT or USDC using
/drip TOKEN Address
Example: /drip USDC 7jpDV8LDzAjQowHBJCPdS5y6yejo66ha4vW2xhQp8Ew6
Example: /drip USDT 7jpDV8LDzAjQowHBJCPdS5y6yejo66ha4vW2xhQp8Ew6
then use https://thisimpact.me/bridge to send USDT, USDC to eclipse, and trade.
Get DEV ETH on eclipse:
/drip EC-ETH 7jpDV8LDzAjQowHBJCPdS5y6yejo66ha4vW2xhQp8Ew6
For Axion you can use
/drip AX 7jpDV8LDzAjQowHBJCPdS5y6yejo66ha4vW2xhQp8Ew6
or go to https://multidapp.axionprotocol.com/airdrop
You can also ask community members for dev tokens